The number of times your links are shown is based on a simple "credit" system - each credit that you earn or purchase represents another targeted link to your site. Listed below are the many ways to earn traffic credits ...
- Set your browser's Start Page to your custom TrafficSwarm URL, and you will earn 1 credit each time you open your browser.
- Click on other users' links on your Start Page and you'll randomly earn between 1 and 1,000 credits for each site you visit.
- Use the TrafficSwarm Search Engine to find what you're looking for, and earn between 1 and 1,000 credits for each site you visit.
- You can also earn free "mystery credits", as well as play the TrafficSwarm Lottery and win up to 25,000+ credits per day.
- Refer other webmasters to TrafficSwarm (you will NOT believe how EASY this is, in fact, it happens automatically!), and you will also:
Earn 100 credits for each new user you refer and earn 1 credit each time they open THEIR browser.
... down 5 "levels" deep! What this means is that if you refer Joe to TrafficSwarm, Joe refers Mary, Mary refers Bill, Bill refers Sally, and Sally refers Ed ... you will earn credits on ALL of these people, and people they refer too!
This is VERY powerful, because it's "viral". Once you refer a few other webmasters to TrafficSwarm (directly or indirectly) YOUR own site's traffic will increase exponentially and automatically.
TrafficSwarm Support Team