Whenever you open your browser you're presented with links to sites in the category or categories you're interested in. So over time you'll find all sorts of great sites you'll benefit from, if you're actually looking at them.
Note: If you're not seeing the types of sites you're interested in, login and edit your account preferences - you can specify the exact type(s) of sites you're interested in.
Or maybe you're looking for something in particular. Well, you can search for it directly from your Start Page - and earn extra credits for doing so.
The Start Page is meant to be a useful tool for you, but you need to use it properly. Loading it as fast as you can just to try to earn credits and never even looking at what appears on your Start Page is not the way to do it.
If you don't want to, or can't use the Start Page it's no problem. You can still earn tons of credits by referring other users to TrafficSwarm.
TrafficSwarm Support Team