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General Questions
General Questions
Popular in General Questions
If TrafficSwarm is 100% FREE, what do you get out of it?
Are my links displayed only to other TrafficSwarm users?
What if my site isn't ready yet and/or I don't want traffic now?
How do I know that my efforts won't be wasted by cheaters?
Hey! What happened to the TrafficSwarm Exit Page system!?
Start Page System
Start Page System
Popular in Start Page System
Can you tell me about the "Do Not Click This Link" Fraud Test?
What exactly is the Start Page system and why should I use it?
Why can't I promote my Start Page or let other people use it?
Why can't I load my Start Page using automated mechanisms?
I received a warning but have a good "excuse". Can I explain?
The Credit System
The Credit System
Popular in The Credit System
Can you describe exactly how a user earns traffic credits?
How many credits can I earn for clicking on other users' links?
Are there any limits to the number of credits that I can earn?
Why does my number of credits keep going down all the time?
I clicked and earned credits, why didn't my "credits owed" go up?...
URLs, Titles, Descriptions and Links
URLs, Titles, Descriptions and Links
Popular in URLs, Titles, Descriptions and Links
How does the system determine when my links are displayed?
What exactly do you mean by my URL can't break out of frames?
What if I have multiple pages or sites? Can I promote them all?
Can I get my link displayed at the top of the Start Page?
How do I know how many visitors I am getting from TrafficSwarm?
Referral Program
Referral Program
Popular in Referral Program
Can I contact my "downline" to help them with TrafficSwarm?
What if someone I refer buys credits? Do I get free credits, etc.?
Exactly what do I get for referring people to TrafficSwarm?
My referrals are disappearing! Are that many people cancelling?
Why didn't I get the 100 FREE Credits for referring someone?
Pro Upgrade
Pro Upgrade
Popular in Pro Upgrade
What if I want to cancel and go back to a "free" account?
What happens if one of my renewal payments fails?
On which day of the month will I be charged a renewal?
Do I get any type of refund if I cancel my Pro upgrade?
It's time for me to get paid! Exactly what do I need to do?
General Account Management
General Account Management
Popular in General Account Management
I'm having trouble logging in to my account. Can you help?
What should I do if I want to cancel my TrafficSwarm account?
How do I "activate" my account and get my free bonus credits?
Why didn't I get the 100 FREE Credits when I created my account?
Why is it so important that I keep my email address up to date?
Auto-Surf and Rotator Programs
Auto-Surf and Rotator Programs
Popular in Auto-Surf and Rotator Programs
What about various ways of loading my Start Page automatically?
Why is this better than my "auto surf" or "rotator" program?
Just to be safe, can you explain the exact policy on this?
So are "auto surf" or "rotator" systems good for anything?